Names Report
Given and family names are an important aspect of an individual’s identity. Our names often have special meanings that connect us to our ancestors, our ethnicity, and our national identity. Our names give us an understanding of who we are, where we came from, and our place in the larger world.
This report provides detailed information about Slovenia’s traditional name structure, a list of the 100 most common surnames (family names) and their meanings, plus 50 each of the most common male and female given names and their meanings.
This report is especially useful for those who seek to understand the connection of given and family names with Slovenia’s culture, those conducting genealogical studies, as well as those who wish to learn the meaning of their own Slovenia origin given and family names.
Content: This Slovenia—Names Report contains four content modules, 10+ photographs, and a minimum of 15 pages of editorial.
The four content modules for Slovenia are:
- Name Structure
- Surnames (100 most popular family names and meanings)
- Given Names (50 most popular male name and meanings)
- Given Names (50 most popular female names and meaning)
Users: World Trade Press country reports are used extensively by diplomats, travelers, global businesses, students, teachers, government officials, trade promotion organizations, international banks, NGOs, and agencies of foreign governments.
Note: This report is drawn from the World Trade Press proprietary “Global Knowledgebase” which is continuously updated by our global team of researchers, writers, cartographers, photographers, illustrators, government sources, and contract information providers. All reports are generated in real time and contain the most current information available.
Report Date: March 9, 2025
Delivery Format: PDF download in letter (8.5” x 11”) format.
Usage: For individual and small group usage only. Not for reproduction, distribution, or posting.
Copyright: Copyright 1993–2025 by World Trade Press. All Rights Reserved.
Price: US$9.00 / €9,00