Czech Republic: Country Reports
World Trade Press country reports are used exclusively by diplomats, travelers, global businesspeople, students, government officials, trade promotion organizations, international banks, NGOs, and agencies of foreign governments. All reports are drawn from the World Trade Press proprietary "Global Knowledgebase" which is constantly updated by a team of global researchers, writers, carteographers, photographers, illustrators, government agencies, and other information providers. All reports are generated in real time using the most current information available and are dated the day the report is drawn.
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Czech Republic
Banknotes and Coinage Report
This report provides images and detailed information about Czech Republic’s banknotes and coinage currently in circulation. For each banknote: obverse and reverse (front and back) images, issue date, size (in mm), color(s), details front, details back,...Full Product Description
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Czech Republic
Cookbook and Food Culture
Food is an essential aspect of Czech Republic’s culture, identity, and pride. National cuisine is intimately connected to a country’s history, religion, holidays, festivals, climate, geography, and ethnic groups. This connection between food and...Full Product Description
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Czech Republic
Cost of Living Report
This report provides up-to-date cost of living information in 10 categories for 55 data points for Czech Republic. Data for this report is crowdsourced from thousands of travelers, expatriates, and locals, as well as from newspapers, periodicals, and...Full Product Description
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Czech Republic
Country Overview Report
Understanding a country can take years of study and local living. One foreign correspondent visiting a country famously said “After one week, I understood everything. After two months, I realized that I knew nothing!” There are times, however,...Full Product Description
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Czech Republic
Culture Report
This report provides a comprehensive view of the Czech Republic’s society and culture in 20 categories including language, cuisine, greetings and courtesies, holidays and festivals, music, religion, superstitions, time orientation, women in culture and...Full Product Description
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Czech Republic
Defense and Armed Forces Report
This report provides summary information for Czech Republic’s defense and armed forces. Information provided includes details about each of Czech Republic’s service branches, minimum age to serve, conscription, leadership, equipment, whether women serve,...Full Product Description
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Czech Republic
Government Report
This report provides detailed information about Czech Republic’s government structures, branches, suffrage, current and historic heads of state and government, administrative divisions, ministries, agencies, and more. This report is popular with...Full Product Description
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Czech Republic
Life Stages Report
Learning how a culture celebrates each stage in a person’s life is fundamental to understanding the culture itself. By many accounts, learning about life stages provides a much deeper understanding of a country’s culture than any other form...Full Product Description
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Czech Republic
Music Report
Music is a universal language that can be understood across languages and cultures. Music has the unique ability to promote mutual understanding among individuals of even the most diverse backgrounds. Music is also an essential aspect of formal and...Full Product Description
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Czech Republic
Names Report
Given and family names are an important aspect of an individual’s identity. Our names often have special meanings that connect us to our ancestors, our ethnicity, and our national identity. Our names give us an understanding of who we are, where...Full Product Description
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Czech Republic
National Symbols Report
National symbols bind the hearts and minds of a country’s people together in powerful, and to outsiders, often mysterious ways. Understanding the meaning of these symbols is essential to understanding the people, their culture, and their emotional...Full Product Description
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Czech Republic
Quality of Life Report
This report provides detailed and fascinating information about how travelers, expatriates, and locals view quality of life in Czech Republic for 70 quality of life factors in six categories. Data for this Czech Republic—Quality of Life Report is...Full Product Description
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Czech Republic
Security Briefing
Security is often the number one topic of consideration for international travelers and those contemplating an international relocation. Is it safe to travel? To stay in a hotel? To walk the streets? To drive? To live locally? What about our...Full Product Description
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Czech Republic
Travel Report
Travel opens people to new cultures, people, foods, music, language, and opportunities both personal and business. Travel is clearly one of the best ways to understand and appreciate a country, as well as develop a deeper appreciation for one’s...Full Product Description
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